Jowai Ladrymbai Teer Result

All You Need to Know About Jowai Ladrymbai Teer Result  

A well-known lottery game called Jowai Ladrymbai Teer originated in the Indian state of Meghalaya. Participants in this game of chance place wagers on the numbers they believe will be chosen at random from a group of projectiles that are launched at a target. There are two daily games: one at 3:45 PM and the other at 4:15 PM. The game has become quite well-known in the region and is renowned for its exhilarating and unexpected results.

There are several reasons Jowai Ladrymbai Teer is well-known. First off, anybody may participate since the game is simple to play. Second, the game gives players a chance to win bonuses and awards. Third, the game is played twice daily, which keeps the level of excitement high. Last but not least, many people regard the game to be a regular part of their everyday lives, and it has integrated itself deeply into Meghalayan culture.

Jowai Ladrymbai Teer Result Calculation

A) How targets are chosen

In Jowai Ladrymbai Teer, the targets are chosen randomly by the organizers. The targets are commonly constructed out of straw or hay, and they have numbers on them. The numerals on the targets range from 0 to 99.

B) How outcomes are computed

The outcomes of Jowai Ladrymbai Teer are derived based on three factors: common number, home ending, and house number.

1)    Common Number: The common number is the final two numerals of the total number of projectiles that struck the target in the first round. For example, if 1,000 arrows are launched in the first round, and 852 arrows reach the target, the typical number would be 52.

2)    House Ending and House Number: The house conclusion is the last two numerals of the total of the first-round outcomes of all the targets. The house number is the concluding two digits of the total of the second-round outcomes of all the targets. For example, if the first-round outcomes of all the targets were 45, 32, 21, and 18, the home end would be 16 (45+32+21+18=116), and if the second-round results were 65, 12, 54, and 31, the house number would be 62 (65+12+54+31=162).

Teer outcome Schedule 

A) Teer outcome timings – 3:45 PM and 4:15 PM

Jowai Ladrymbai Teer is played twice a day, first at 3:45 PM and again at 4:15 PM. The jowai ladrymbai teer result today for the first round are published at approximately 4:00 PM, while the results for the second round are announced at around 4:30 PM.

B) Where to verify results – Websites and Facebook profiles

The outcomes of Jowai Ladrymbai Teer are published on numerous websites and Facebook pages. Some of the famous websites where you may verify the results are and

C) How jowai ladrymbai teer result today are announced – Live broadcasting and updates

The results of Jowai Ladrymbai Teer are released via live broadcasting on many websites and Facebook pages. The organizers also update the results on their official website and social media accounts.

Strategies to Guess Teer Results

1)    Analyzing prior results to discover trends

One approach that some participants utilize is to evaluate prior outcomes to uncover trends. By analyzing the past outcomes, participants attempt to locate numbers or combinations of numbers that occur often.

2)    Focusing on prevalent numerals that regularly occur

Another method is to concentrate on prevalent numbers that commonly occur in the findings. Players wager on these numbers because they believe that they are more likely to be drawn.

3)    Betting on neighboring home endings and numerals

Some gamers additionally wager on neighboring house fates and numerals. For example, if the house ending in the previous result was 16, participants may wager on numbers that conclude in 15 or 17 in the following round.

4)    Noting the count of odd/even numbers in the results

Players may also note the count of odd and even numbers in the previous outcomes and use that knowledge to make their wagers. For example, if the prior outcome contained more odd numbers, participants may wager for even numbers in the following round.

How to Play the Teer Game

1)    Buying tickets from authorized counters

To play Jowai Ladrymbai Teer, participants need to purchase tickets from approved counters. The vouchers feature numerous objectives, and participants may select which targets they desire to wager on.

2)    Selecting between numerous objectives on a ticket

Each ticket contains numerous objectives, and participants may select which targets they desire to wager on. Each target has a number on it, and participants need to choose the numbers they believe will be drawn.

3)    Choosing quantity to wager for each objective

Players also need to select the quantity they wish to wager for each objective. The slightest wager amount is generally Rs. 1, while the highest stake amount may go up to Rs. 5,000.

4)    Claiming prizes for winning by producing a ticket

If a player’s numbers are drawn, they may obtain their prizes by presenting their ticket at the approved counters. The rewards vary depending on the number of projectiles that reach the target and the amount pledged by the participant.


Jowai Ladrymbai Teer is a famous lottery game performed in the Indian state of Meghalaya. The game is played twice a day, and the outcomes are determined based on the common number, house conclusion, and house number. Players may employ methods like evaluating recent outcomes, concentrating on common numbers, and wagering on surrounding house ends and numbers to boost their odds of winning.

In summary, Jowai Ladrymbai Teer is a popular lottery game that is played twice a day in the Indian state of Meghalaya. The jowai ladrymbai teer result today is determined based on the common number, house termination, and house number. While there are techniques that participants may employ to increase their chances of winning, there is always an element of fate involved, and the outcomes can be unanticipated. The game provides a chance for individuals to attempt their chances and obtain rewards, but it is vital to gamble prudently and within one’s means. So, go ahead and attempt your fate, but remember to gamble responsibly.

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